- Lab
- Cloud

Deploy a Custom Admission Controller with Terraform
In this lab, you are being asked to create a dynamic admission controller with Terraform that will use cert-manager for certificate management. You will use Terraform to first create the ClusterIssuer and the CA root certificate. Next, you will create the webhook certificate. Then you will create a certificate that will be used by the Kubernetes API server. Finally, you will test your dynamic admission controller by creating an annotation with the value of the certificate for the Kubernetes API server.

Path Info
Table of Contents
Prepare the Environment
Install Homebrew.
Follow the instructions in the terminal to complete the install.
Confirm Homebrew was installed successfully.
Install the
package. -
Install the
package. -
Install the
Deploy EKS Cluster
Create a new AWS Access Key and Secret Access Key in AWS console and copy it to a text editor.
Clone the course repo.
Move to the
directory. -
Move to the
directory. -
Initialize your working directory.
Apply the Terraform configuration.
Note: This will take 10 to 15 minutes.
Configure AWS CLI.
Configure Kubernetes-CLI to interact with your EKS cluster.
Confirm you are connected to your cluster.
Create the Validating Webhook
Move to the
directory. -
Log in to Docker Hub from the command line.
Update the
file with your Docker Hub username. -
Build the webhook.
Note: This will take 10 to 15 minutes.
Build the Docker image.
Push the Docker image to Docker Hub.
Deploy the certs.
Deploy the Validating Webhook
Move into the
directory. -
Update the deployment configuration with your Docker image.
Initialize the working directory.
Apply the configuration.
Confirm the webhook is up and available.
Test the Dynamic Admission Controller
Go back a directory.
Create a directory called
. -
Move to
directory. -
Create three test pods called
, andtest-app-3
. -
Add a label called
hello = ”world”
andhello = “universe”
. -
Initialize your working directory.
Apply the webhook configuration.
Confirm that your validating webhook is working:
should error and not deploytest-app-2
should deploy without issue
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Hands-on Labs are real environments created by industry experts to help you learn. These environments help you gain knowledge and experience, practice without compromising your system, test without risk, destroy without fear, and let you learn from your mistakes. Hands-on Labs: practice your skills before delivering in the real world.
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On average, you retain 75% more of your learning if you get time for practice.