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DNS: Create a chroot Jail

Isolating BIND in a chroot jail is common practice. It prevents any malicious user, who happens to gain access to the system by exploiting a BIND vulnerability, from further exploiting the system. In this lab, we'll practice setting up a jail for BIND.

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Clock icon 15m
Clock icon May 01, 2020

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Table of Contents

  1. Challenge

    Set up the chroot Jail for the BIND Service

    In CentOS all we need to do is run yum install bind-chroot -y, and then ensure that the normal BIND service isn't set to run:

    systemctl stop named
    systemctl disable named
    systemctl enable named-chroot
  2. Challenge

    Add the Forward Zone Configuration to the /etc/named.conf File, Then Run the named-checkconf Command to Verify the Configuration

    # vim /etc/named.conf

    Insert the zone configuration just before the include statements at the bottom of the file:

    zone "mylabserver.com" {
       type master;
       file "/var/named/chroot-zone.db";

    Then run the named-checkconf command to verify the configuration:

    # named-checkconf
  3. Challenge

    Create the Forward Zone File and Check the Configuration for Syntax Errors with named-checkzone

    1. Create the forward zone file:

      vim /var/named/chroot-zone.db
    2. Enter the following:

      $TTL    86400
      @       IN      SOA     nameserver.mylabserver.com. root.mylabserver.com. (
                                10030         ; Serial
                                 3600         ; Refresh
                                 1800         ; Retry
                               604800         ; Expiry
                                86400         ; Minimum TTL
      ; Name Server
      @        IN      NS       nameserver.mylabserver.com.
      ; A Record Definitions
      nameserver       IN      A
      mailprod         IN      A
      mailbackup       IN      A
      ; Canonical Name/Alias
      dns        IN    CNAME    nameserver.mylabserver.com.
      ; Mail Exchange Records
      @        IN    MX    10    mailprod.mylabserver.com.
      @        IN    MX    20    mailbackup.mylabserver.com.
    3. Save the document with :wq!.

    4. Run the named-checkzone command to check the zone file for syntax errors:

      named-checkzone mylabserver.com /var/named/chroot-zone.db
  4. Challenge

    Change the File Permissions and the Group Owner for /var/named/fwd.mylabserver.com.db

    1. Change the file permissions for /var/named/chroot-zone.db:
      chmod 760 /var/named/chroot-zone.db
    2. Change the group owner of the file to named:
      chgrp named /var/named/chroot-zone.db
  5. Challenge

    Start the Newly Configured named-chroot Service

    systemctl start named-chroot

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