- Lab
- Cloud

Implement SAMBA (CIFS) Fileshares for Servers and Clients
Implementing fileshares for Windows and Linux servers, plus clients is a key skill for any experienced system administrator. In this activity, we will be working to set up a Linux Samba fileshare that can then be used by a remote client to store files on. Once this activity is completed, we will see how Samba can be used to provision a fileshare for use via a Linux client.

Path Info
Table of Contents
Install Samba Packages on the Samba Server
We will need several packages installed on our server to complete this activity. Install the packages needed via:
sudo yum install -y samba samba-client cifs-utils
Install Samba Packages on the Samba Client Server
Similar to the server install, we will need to install some packages on the client in order to use the share we are making available from the server. We can execute the package installation with:
sudo yum install -y samba samba-client cifs-utils
Create the Server Fileshare and Set Universal Read/Write Permissions
On the server, we are tasked with creating the fileshare location for our development team's documentation. Easily accomplished with:
sudo mkdir /devdocs
We can meet the accessibility requirement with the following command:
sudo chmod 777 /devdocs
Allow Network and Users to Access the Share
Our private network is on and you have a test user that we will be configuring access to this fileshare via the Samba server configuration file located at
— we will need to edit the following values in the[global]
section of that file so they appear as follows:security = user hosts allow = 127. 10.0.1. interfaces = lo eth0 passdb backend = smbpasswd:/etc/samba/sambapasswd.txt
Additionally, we will need to add a new section at the end of the configuration file for our share. We can accomplish this by adding the following values:
[devdocs] comment = Development documentation read only = no available = yes path = /devdocs public = yes valid users = devdocsuser write list = devdocsuser writable = yes browseable = yes
Optionally, once saved, we can perform a quick test with:
sudo testparm
Start the Samba Service
Enable and start
:sudo systemctl enable smb sudo systemctl start smb
Make the Local Mount Directory on the Samba Client and Set Universal Permissions
Run the following to establish the
directory:sudo mkdir /mnt/devdocs
Set up permissions with:
sudo chmod 777 /mnt/devdocs/
Test the Server Mount on the Client System via the Command Line
We will need to provide a string of options to the
command to test our access:sudo mount -t cifs -o user=devdocsuser,password=devdocs // /mnt/devdocs/
Once mounted, we can check via
df -h
to see it in the list of mounted filesystems and we should be able to write a file and read it on either client or server system
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