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Implementing Bash Flow Control in an Existing Backup Script
Bash scripting is an invaluable skill for a Linux system administrator. From writing quick scripts that automate simple tasks to writing complex scripts that can automatically deploy entirely new servers, scripting skills are integral to being a good SysAdmin. In this lab, we'll integrate Bash flow control into an existing backup script.

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Modify the Backup Script to Add the Requested Trap
Modify the backup script so that attempts to cancel the script while running will clean up all copied files and directories, but still log that the signal occurred.
Modify the Backup Script to Contain the Requested Logic for Parameters
Using an if statement, ensure that the script errors out without copying files if the log file parameter isn't passed.
Run the Script and Verify That Files Are Backed Up and Trapping and Parameter Logic Work as Requested
Mark the script as executable and run it, then verify that all files are backed up to the required directory.
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On average, you retain 75% more of your learning if you get time for practice.