- Lab
- Cloud

Implementing Hierarchical Federation With Prometheus
Prometheus servers are capable of monitoring a large number of applications and components. However, it does not always make sense to monitor everything with a single Prometheus server. Prometheus provides the ability to federate Prometheus servers, allowing high-level Prometheus servers to collect, and even aggregate, metric data from multiple low-level Prometheus servers. In this lab, you will be able to see how this works. You will configure a high-level Prometheus instance to collect data from multiple lower-level Prometheus servers in a single location.

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Table of Contents
Configure the Federal Prometheus Server to Scrape Metrics from the Other Two Prometheus Servers
Log in to the Federal Prometheus Server.
Edit the Prometheus configuration.
Implement a scrape configuration to pull metrics from the other two Prometheus servers.
Start the Federal Prometheus Server and Verify Everything Is Working
Start and enable Prometheus on the Federal Prometheus Server.
Access the Federal Prometheus Server in a browser at
http://<Federated Prometheus Server Public IP>:9090
. -
Run a query to view some metric data.
- You should see metric data for instances that are monitored by the other two Prometheus servers. These instances are called
- You should see metric data for instances that are monitored by the other two Prometheus servers. These instances are called
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