- Lab
- Cloud
- Security

Kubernetes with kops for PodSecurityPolicy Lab
This lab guides the student through a step-by-step hands-on example of creating a pod security policy, testing it, and using role bindings to enable it to prevent privileged pods.

Path Info
Table of Contents
Use Kops to Create the Cluster
From the bastion host, use kops to create a cluster:
Use the terminal emulator or SSH to gain access to the 'Bastion Host' Cloud Server server instantiated for the lab.
ssh cloud_user@[IP Address of Bastion Host]
Once you have access you should be able to do a
ls -l
and see thek8s-create.sh
.ls -l
Execute the script to create the cluster configuration files.
. ./k8s-create.sh
Note: Answer any prompts as needed.
Use kops to edit the cluster configuration. Use
to save your changes.kops edit cluster
Under the
for the cluster, add the following lines.spec: kubeAPIServer: admissionControl: - NamespaceLifecycle - LimitRanger - ServiceAccount - PersistentVolumeLabel - DefaultStorageClass - ResourceQuota - PodSecurityPolicy - DefaultTolerationSeconds
The display above has tabs, but you should normally use just two spaces to indent lines. The file should remain the same from the next line to the end.
After editing the cluster configuration to add the admission controller, use
to update the cluster and create the nodes.kops update cluster --name=$KOPS_CLUSTER_NAME --yes
Copy the command at the bottom to connect to the master node using SSH.
Note: It will take several minutes to validate the cluster, which you can check with:
kops validate cluster
. -
Create Namespace, Serviceaccount, and Rolebinding
Create the
namespace.kubectl create namespace psp-ns
Create the
serviceaccount within thepsp-ns
namespace.kubectl create serviceaccount -n psp-ns psp-sa
Create a rolebinding binding the cluster role verb edit to the service account psp-sa.
kubectl create rolebinding -n psp-ns rb-id --clusterrole=edit --serviceaccount=psp-ns:psp-sa
Now for convenience, create an alias for the psp-admin within the namespace.
alias psp-admin='kubectl -n psp-ns'
And create an alias for the psp-user within the namespace.
alias psp-user='kubectl --as=system:serviceaccount:psp-ns:psp-sa -n psp-ns'
Create the Pod Security Policy
Use vi or a Linux editor to create the psp-policy YAML file.
vi psp-policy.yaml
Make sure the file is as follows.
apiVersion: policy/v1beta1 kind: PodSecurityPolicy metadata: name: psp-policy spec: privileged: false # Don't allow privileged pods! seLinux: rule: RunAsAny supplementalGroups: rule: RunAsAny runAsUser: rule: RunAsAny fsGroup: rule: RunAsAny volumes: - '*'
Then create the policy.
psp-admin create -f psp-policy.yaml
Create a YAML File to Deploy a Pod, and Attempt to Create It
Use an editor to create a YAML file to create a pod.
vi pod-pause.yaml
Edit the file as follows.
apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata: name: pod-pause spec: containers: - name: pause image: k8s.gcr.io/pause
Now attempt to create the pod.
psp-user create -f pod-pause.yaml
To explain the error, you can use
to see that the policy is not being used by the service account psp-sa.psp-user auth can-i use podsecuritypolicy/psp-policy
Create a Rolebinding to Allow the Psp-Sa Service Account to Use the Policy and Then Re-attempt to Create the Pod
Create a role to use the psp-policy.
psp-admin create role psp-role --verb=use --resource=podsecuritypolicy --resource-name=psp-policy
Create a rolebinding to bind the role to the serviceaccount.
psp-admin create rolebinding rb-id2 --role=psp-role --serviceaccount=psp-ns:psp-sa
Retry to create the pod as before.
psp-user create -f pod-pause.yaml
The pod should deploy. Check with:
psp-user get pods
Delete the Pod from the Previous Step and Attempt to Deploy a Privileged Pod
Delete the pod previously deployed.
psp-user delete po/pod-pause
Use the editor to create a YAML file for a privileged pod.
vi priv-pod.yaml
The YAML file should contain the following:
apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata: name: privileged spec: containers: - name: pause image: k8s.gcr.io/pause securityContext: privileged: true
Now try to create the pod.
psp-user create -f priv-pod.yaml
The attempt should fail.
Attempt to Use a Deployment to Create the Unprivileged Pod
Use an editor to create a YAML file for the deployment.
vi psp-deploy.yaml
The file contents should be:
apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: psp-deploy labels: app: paused spec: replicas: 1 selector: matchLabels: app: paused template: metadata: labels: app: paused spec: containers: - name: paused image: k8s.gcr.io/pause
Now attempt to create the deployment.
psp-user create -f psp-deploy.yaml
See if the pod deployed.
psp-user get pods
It should not have deployed.
Check the events to see what happened.
psp-user get events --sort-by='.metadata.creationTimestamp'
Clean Up the Failed Deployment, Add the Needed Role Binding, and Re-attempt the Deployment
Check if there are any pods running and delete as needed.
psp-user get pods
(delete as needed)
psp-user delete po/[pod name]
Check if the failed deployment exists and delete as needed.
psp-user get deploy
(delete as needed)
psp-user delete deploy/[deployment name]
Create a role binding linking the role that allows use of the policy with the default service account.
psp-admin create rolebinding rb-id3 --role=psp-role --serviceaccount=psp-ns:default
Now reattempt to create the deployment as before.
psp-user create -f psp-deploy.yaml
Check the events to see what happened.
psp-user get events --sort-by='.metadata.creationTimestamp'
Check the deployment.
psp-user get deploy
Check the pod.
psp-user get pods
Clean up as needed, and experiment with other namespaces and service accounts until this material is comfortable.
This completes this lab.
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Hands-on Labs are real environments created by industry experts to help you learn. These environments help you gain knowledge and experience, practice without compromising your system, test without risk, destroy without fear, and let you learn from your mistakes. Hands-on Labs: practice your skills before delivering in the real world.
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