- Lab
- Cloud

Locating Time-Series Data in Prometheus
Prometheus allows you to collect a wide variety of metric data in one location. It also provides useful tools for exploring and querying your data. In this lab, you will have the opportunity to perform some very basic queries to obtain some data from a Prometheus server. You will obtain the current value of a metric, and you will also look up a set of multiple time-series values for that metric.

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Get the Current Temperature of the Data Center
In a browser, access the Prometheus expression browser:
Run a query to obtain the current
Copy the current temperature value.
Log in to the Prometheus server and open the file that will contain the temperature data:
vi /home/cloud_user/current_temp.txt
Enter or paste in the current temperature value obtained from the Prometheus expression browser, and then save the file.
Get All Time-Series Entries for the Data Center Temperature Over the Last Five Minutes
In the Prometheus expression browser, run a query to obtain the data:
Copy all the values (including the timestamps).
Return to the Prometheus server terminal and open the file that will contain the data:
vi /home/cloud_user/5_minute_temp.txt
Paste in the time-series data obtained from the Prometheus expression browser, and save the file.
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On average, you retain 75% more of your learning if you get time for practice.