- Lab
- Cloud

Managing Users and Groups in SUSE Linux Enterprise with YaST
In this hands-on lab, we will be using the YaST tool to create and remove user accounts in SUSE Linux Enterprise. We will be customizing user settings as well as removing accounts.

Path Info
Table of Contents
Create the `admin_user` with the Password Indicated and Then Verify the Account Was Created Correctly
Create a user account named
with the passwordP@ssw0rd
. This user will need to have a home directory located at/home/admins
:sudo -i yast
Down arrow to
Security and Users
and hit Enter. -
Down arrow to
User and Group Administration
. -
Tab to
then enter the user account name and password. -
Use Shift+Tab to go to
User Data
and then right arrow toDetails
. -
Tab down to set the home directory.
Tab to
, and then again toOK
, and then toQuit
. -
Confirm the home directory
was created and is owned byadmin_user
:ls -l /home
Check to ensure the user account was created and has a login shell:
grep admin /etc/passwd
Remove the `not_root` User and Their Home Directory
Open YaST:
sudo -i yast
Down arrow to
Security and Users
, and hit Enter. -
Down arrow to
User and Group Management
. -
Down arrow to the user
, and then tab toDelete
. -
Hit Enter and when prompted hit SPACE to put an
in theDelete Home Directory
box. -
Tab to
, and hit Enter. -
Tab to
, and then tab toQuit
. -
Verify the user was removed and the user's home directory was also removed:
grep not /etc/passwd ls -l /home
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