- Lab
- Cloud

Operating and Troubleshooting Flux in a Kubernetes Cluster
In this lab, you will learn about several Kubernetes and Flux commands that may prove useful when operating and troubleshooting Flux in other labs in the _Hands-On GitOps_ course.

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Analyze the YAML Used to Install Flux
To output the YAML that is applied by kubectl, simply use the same command, and either display it or route it to a file instead of piping it to kubectl.
fluxctl install --git-user=${GHUSER} --git-email=${GHUSER}@users.noreply.github.com [email protected]:${GHUSER}/content-gitops --git-path=namespaces,production --namespace=flux
This output has also been placed in a file that can be accessed within the docs folder on the course repo.
Pipe the output to kubectl command with apply -f:
fluxctl install --git-user=${GHUSER} --git-email=${GHUSER}@users.noreply.github.com [email protected]:${GHUSER}/content-gitops --git-path=namespaces,production --namespace=flux | kubectl apply -f -
Display the Log Produced by the fluxd Daemon
To display the log produced by the
daemon running as a Deployment in your cluster, enter the command:kubectl -n flux logs deployment/flux
This assumes you have deployed
to theflux
namespace. -
Display Details about the flux Pod Running
To display details about the Pod deployed in your cluster, first obtain the unique Pod name with the following command:
kubectl -n flux get pods
Then, copy the unique Pod name to your clipboard and input:
kubectl -n flux describe pod [your flux pod name here]
Example command with sample Pod name:
kubectl -n flux describe pod flux-c97899756-wsfhb
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