- Lab
- Cloud

Recover This Crashed MariaDB Galera Cluster
In this activity you are working as a DBA and have been tasked with recovering a crashed MariaDB Galera cluster.

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Table of Contents
Determine the Most Advanced Node
We can check the sequence number of the node:
sudo -u mysql mysqld --wsrep_recover
Run this on all nodes, and the highest sequence number is the most advanced node.
Bootstrap the Most Advanced Node
Edit the node configuration in
Start the node:
sudo systemctl start mariadb.service
Check Status and Add Nodes to the Cluster
Connect with
client and query status variables:SHOW GLOBAL STATUS WHERE Variable_name IN ('wsrep_ready', 'wsrep_cluster_size', 'wsrep_cluster_status', 'wsrep_connected');
Edit the node configuration in
. Be certain to use the private IP of the running node:wsrep_cluster_address=gcom://
Start the node:
sudo systemctl start mariadb.service
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