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- Cloud

Rolling Updates with Kubernetes Deployments
Deployments provide powerful automation for application management in Kubernetes. One of the things deployments can do is to allow you to perform rolling updates. Rolling updates enable you to update your containers to new versions gradually, without incurring downtime. In this lab, you will have a chance to learn, hands-on, how to perform a rolling update, as well as a rollback to previous version.

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Perform a rolling update of the container version
Update the deployment to the new version like so:
kubectl set image deployment/candy-deployment candy-ws=linuxacademycontent/candy-service:3 --record
Check the progress of the rolling update:
kubectl rollout status deployment/candy-deployment
If the update is not finished after a few minutes, something may be wrong with the update.
Roll back to the previous working state
In this scenario, the rolling update should fail. This is because the specified image,
, does not exist. Roll back to the previous version to get things working again.Get a list of previous revisions.
kubectl rollout history deployment/candy-deployment
Undo the last revision.
kubectl rollout undo deployment/candy-deployment
Check the status of the rollout.
kubectl rollout status deployment/candy-deployment
This command should complete soon, saying the rollout was successful.
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On average, you retain 75% more of your learning if you get time for practice.