- Lab
- Cloud

Setting Up an S3 Static Website Using AWS CLI
In this hands-on lab, we'll be setting up an S3 bucket website. We'll also verify the website is accessible and working as expected. S3 bucket websites are excellent for hosting single-page, customer-facing content, as they are easy to set up and offer the same high availability and scalability as S3.

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Create an S3 Bucket from AWS CLI
Create an S3 bucket in the
region, giving your bucket a globally unique name, using the S3 API:aws s3api create-bucket --bucket <UNIQUE_BUCKET_NAME> --acl public-read
Modify the Newly Created Bucket to Be an S3 Website Bucket
Issue the AWS S3 API CLI command to enable the "Static website hosting" property of your bucket. In this same command, you'll also provide the
page, which is what your bucket URL will serve:aws s3 website s3://<UNIQUE_BUCKET_NAME> --index-document index.html
Modify Provided S3 Policy File and Use It to Modify Bucket Policy
Open policy_s3.json using vi/vim.
Put in the name of your bucket.
Save and exit the file.
Use the S3 policy file to modify the bucket policy so your objects are publicly accessible, which is a requirement for S3 static websites:
cd aws s3api put-bucket-policy --bucket <UNIQUE_BUCKET_NAME> --policy file://policy_s3.json
Create a Basic `index.html` Page and Upload File
Create a basic HTML page:
echo "<html><center><h1>My Static Website on S3</h1></center></html>" > index.html
Upload the
file to your S3 website bucket using the AWS S3 API CLI:
aws s3 cp index.html s3://<UNIQUE_BUCKET_NAME>
Verify Your S3 Static Website Is Working
Enter the S3 website URL for your bucket in the browser to ensure it's working.
You can also test from the terminal using the
command:curl http://<UNIQUE_BUCKET_NAME>.s3-website.us-east-1.amazonaws.com
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