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Troubleshooting Images in Kubernetes Deployments
You are a container engineer at Cube4Lyf, an e-gaming platform geared toward puzzle and logic games. The company is getting ready to deploy a new web-based app, and have a deployment of the image as well as a load generating container. However, the team is encountering errors getting the deployment to succeed. Troubleshoot the error(s) and correct the problem so that the new app can be tested before going live.

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Table of Contents
Fix the Error in the ‘web-server’ Container So the Deployment Is Successful
container is attempting to runnginx:1.21.1
. The Docker Hub page has more information about this image. -
Fix the Error in the ‘load-testing’ Container So the Deployment Is Successful
container image can be found here. Update the deployment configuration so that the container can deploy successfully.
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