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Tuning a Kafka Consumer
You can configure your Kafka consumers in a variety of ways in order to customize their behavior. In many production scenarios, ensuring your consumers perform well for your use case is a matter of tweaking consumer configurations. In this lab, we will work with this process hands-on. We will be provided with some consumer code and a list of issues that can be addressed by changing the consumer configuration. We will then need to identify what configuration changes should be made in order to address these issues, and we will need to implement those changes in the consumer.

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Clone the Starter Project from GitHub and Perform a Test Run
Clone the starter project from GitHub:
cd ~/ git clone https://github.com/linuxacademy/content-ccdak-consumer-tuning-lab.git
Perform a test run to make sure the code is able to compile:
cd content-ccdak-consumer-tuning-lab ./gradlew run
The code should compile, but the consumer will fail to run.
Implement Configuration Changes to Address the Issues
Edit the Consumer class:
vi src/main/java/com/linuxacademy/ccdak/consumer/MemberSignupsConsumer.java
Increase the minimum fetch size by setting
:props.setProperty("fetch.min.bytes", "1024");
Send heartbeats more frequently by setting
:props.setProperty("heartbeat.interval.ms", "2000");
Fix the issue with the offset reset behavior by setting
:props.setProperty("auto.offset.reset", "earliest");
Run your code to verify it still works:
./gradlew run
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On average, you retain 75% more of your learning if you get time for practice.