- Lab
- Cloud

Using DMS to Migrate MySQL to Amazon Aurora
In this lab, we will be migrating a MySQL database to an Aurora database using the Database Migration Service (DMS). We will create the necessary databases, set up the proper source and target for DMS, and then run a transfer task between the databases. This is an important and powerful tool for someone looking to migrate databases to or within AWS.

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Create MySQL and Aurora Database
In the RDS section of the console, create both a MySQL database and an Aurora cluster.
When setting up the MySQL Database, use MySQL Free Tier. For the Aurora Cluster, select Aurora (MySQL Compatbile), Production, and use the burstable DB instance class.
Set Up Source and Target for DMS
In the DMS section of the console, you need to set your source and targets for the DMS transfer.
For the replication instance, use the name DMSTest. Use Multi AZ: Select Dev or test workload (Single-AZ) from the dropdown menu. Uncheck the box on Public accessible.
Configure and Run Transfer Task
Set up the transfer task and have the task run successfully..
Select Migrate existing data. Validation with data migration. Add a new selection rule. For the Schema, select Enter a schema from the dropdown menu. Source name: Enter sys.
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