- Lab
- Cloud

Using Init Containers in Kubernetes
Init containers are a great way to customize container startup. This lab will allow you to test your knowledge of init containers by using them to solve problems in an existing Kubernetes cluster.

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Table of Contents
Create a Sample Pod That Uses an Init Container to Delay Startup
You will find a simple pod descriptor on the control plane server at
. Modify this pod descriptor to add an init container that will delay startup ifshipping-svc
cannot be located usingnslookup
. Then, create the pod.Note: Please use BusyBox 1.27. Newer releases may encounter complications with nslookup.
Test Your Setup by Creating the Service and Verifying the Pod Starts Up
Apply the deployment descriptor for the
found at/home/cloud_user/shipping-svc.yml
. Watch the status of your pod. If you set it up correctly, you should see the pod complete startup once the service becomes available.
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On average, you retain 75% more of your learning if you get time for practice.