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Working with Ansible Templates, Variables, and Facts

Besides being an objective on the Red Hat Certified Ansible Specialist Exam, a demonstrated ability to use Ansible templates, variables, and facts is essential to practical systems deployment through Ansible. Templates allow for a streamlined approach to configuration management that reduces configuration error and simplifies system upkeep. This learning activity starts a student on a path from basic Ansible knowledge to a strong working knowledge that is necessary for real-world application. *This course is not approved or sponsored by Red Hat.*

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Path Info

Clock icon Intermediate
Clock icon 1h 0m
Clock icon Jul 11, 2018

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Table of Contents

  1. Challenge

    Create a Template *sudoers* File in `/home/ansible/hardened.j2` That Produces a File with Appropriate Output for Each Host

    touch /home/ansible/hardened.j2

  2. Challenge

    The Deployed File Should Resemble the Example File Except with the *IP* and *hostnames* Customized Appropriately

    Edit hardened.j2 to contain the following text:

        %sysops {{ ansible_default_ipv4.address }} = (ALL) ALL
        Host_Alias WEBSERVERS = {{ groups['web']|join(', ') }}
        Host_Alias DBSERVERS = {{ groups['database']|join(', ') }} 
        %httpd WEBSERVERS = /bin/su - webuser
        %dba DBSERVERS = /bin/su - dbuser
  3. Challenge

    Create a Playbook in `/home/ansible/security.yml` That Uses the Template Module to Deploy the Template on All Servers in the Default Ansible Inventory After Validating the Syntax of the Generated File

    Edit /home/ansible/security.yml to contain the following:

    - hosts: all
      become: yes
      - name: deploy sudo template
          src: /home/ansible/hardened.j2
          dest: /etc/sudoers.d/hardened
          validate: /sbin/visudo -cf %s
  4. Challenge

    Run the Playbook and Ensure the Files Are Correctly Deployed

    ansible-playbook /home/ansible/security.yml

    Check the local /etc/sudoers.d/hardened on the ansible control node for the correct contents.

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