- Lab
- Cloud

Classifying Images with Azure Custom Vision
In this hands-on lab, you are working as an AI Engineer for All Aboard, a travel agency. You’ve been asked to classify images as either from the Golden Gate Bridge or the Statue of Liberty at the request of your customers. You’ll use the Azure Custom Vision portal to upload pre-provided images, label them as either the Golden Gate Bridge or the Statue of Liberty, and then train and test your model.

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Table of Contents
Log In to the Azure Portal and the Custom Vision Portal
Log in to the Azure portal using the credentials provided on the lab page. Be sure to use an incognito or private browser window to ensure you're using the lab account rather than your own. Then, log in to the Custom Vision portal using the Azure portal credentials.
Download the Images from the GitHub Repo
Download the Landmarks.zip file from the GitHub repository to your computer and extract the files locally.
Create a Classification Project and Train the Model
In the Custom Vision portal, create a Classification project with the classification type of Multiclass (Single tag per image) and the domain of Landmarks. Upload and tag the images of the Golden Gate Bridge and the Statue of Liberty from the Training Images folder, and then train the model. Make sure to select Quick Training when training the model!
Test It!
Use the Quick Test feature to upload images from the Testing Images folder and test if each landmark gets the correct label applied to it.
What's a lab?
Hands-on Labs are real environments created by industry experts to help you learn. These environments help you gain knowledge and experience, practice without compromising your system, test without risk, destroy without fear, and let you learn from your mistakes. Hands-on Labs: practice your skills before delivering in the real world.
Provided environment for hands-on practice
We will provide the credentials and environment necessary for you to practice right within your browser.
Guided walkthrough
Follow along with the author’s guided walkthrough and build something new in your provided environment!
Did you know?
On average, you retain 75% more of your learning if you get time for practice.