- Lab
- Cloud

Use PowerShell to Resize an Azure Virtual Machine in an Availability Set
Your company's finance department explains that the cost of Azure virtual machines (VMs) is over budget. You must find an easy solution to decrease the cost of Azure VMs in your subscription. Using only PowerShell, how do you identify the VMs with low CPU utilization and change their size?

Path Info
Table of Contents
Start Cloud Shell
- Click the Cloud Shell icon (
) in the upper right. - Click PowerShell.
- Select No storage account required.
- Select the lab provided subscription.
- Click Apply.
- Click the Cloud Shell icon (
Get the VM Size and CPU Metrics
Find the current size of the VMs.
Get the VM subscription name.
Check VM CPU metrics.
Resize VMs in Availability Set
Check which VMs are available to resize within the VM hardware cluster.
Perform the PowerShell commands to resize the VM(s).
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Did you know?
On average, you retain 75% more of your learning if you get time for practice.