- Lab
- Cloud

Using the Virtual Machine Module
Welcome to the Using the Virtual Machine Module lab. In this lab, we will cover three objectives: 1. Use an existing subnet as a data source 1. Deploy an Azure VM using the Virtual Machine Module 1. Add a Network Security Group to the VM By the end of this lab, you'll have successfully deployed Azure VMs to an existing subnet and added security groups to the VMs to access a web page.

Path Info
Table of Contents
Use an Existing Subnet as a Data Source
In this objective, you will add an existing subnet as a data source to use in the deployment of the Azure VM.
- Log into the Azure CLI using the provided credentials.
- Retrive the provided resource group and virtual network names.
- Create a new Terraform configuration using the
. - Set
to true for theazurerm
provider block. - Create data sources for the existing resource group and subnet named
. - Create the necessary input variables and
file. - Add an output to display the subnet ID.
- Deploy the configuration and verify the correct output is displayed in the terminal.
Deploy an Azure VM using the Virtual Machine Module
In this objective, you will use the Azure Virtual Machine Module to deploy an Azure VM to the existing subnet. The VM will have a public IP address and will load a web application using the
parameter.- Add a TLS private key and Azure public IP address to the configuration
- Add a
file with the linked contents from the course repository. - Add the virtual machine module using the following values:
: "linux"os_simple
: "UbuntuServer"size
: "Standard_F2"
- Set the
argument to a value that uses thetemplatefile
function and the providedcustom_data.tpl
file. - Add the necessary input variables and use
for the application port. - Add an output for the public IP address of the virtual machine.
- Initialize the configuration to add the virtual-machine module and TLS provider.
- Validate and deploy the configuration.
Add a Network Security Group to the VM
In this objective, you will add a Network Security Group (NSG) and NSG rule to allow traffic to the application port defined for the virtual machine. Then associate the NSG with the virtual machine's network interface.
- Add the
resources to your configuration. The rule should allow traffic from anywhere to reach the application port overTcp
. - Add a
resource to associate the NSG with the network interface of the virtual machine. - Validate and deploy the configuration.
- Verify that you can reach the website at the public IP address and port.
- Add the
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We will provide the credentials and environment necessary for you to practice right within your browser.
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