Designing for DynamoDB Success
At first glance, Amazon's DynamoDB doesn't look too different from a familiar relational database—it's got tables, attributes, and keys. But you'll only unlock its scalability and performance if you use it according to NoSQL best practices.
At first glance, Amazon's DynamoDB doesn't look too different from a familiar relational database -- it's got tables, attributes, and keys. But you'll only unlock its scalability and performance if you use it according to NoSQL best practices.
In this talk, AWS Data Hero and author of The DynamoDB Book, Alex DeBrie, breaks down what makes DynamoDB's abstractions uniquely powerful for your cloud-native applications and covers the following tips and tricks for DynamoDB success:
- Single-table design: living in a world without joins
- Overloading your keys
- Proper use of secondary indexes
- Matching your data model to your access patterns