Alexandru Dima
Pluralsight Author
Alexandru always enjoyed learning as well as mentoring others and often spends hours on Pluralsight. He has covered a lot of technical ground in his career, seeing projects from start to finish multiple times, either at work or at home as hobbies. He loves being able to share the things he knows and wants to continue helping people grow, and bring prosperity with his knowledge. Looking back at how many years have passed since Alexandru started software development, he realized that it's now become a good time for him to start giving back to the development community that made him who he is today.
Topics Authored
Software Development
Creative Professional
Contents Authored
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Courses by Alexandru
Core TechWorking with Files in CCore TechAdvanced
1h 3m 45s
Oct 14, 2020
Core Tech.NET Regular ExpressionsCore TechBeginner
1h 15m 20s
Feb 13, 2020
Core TechWorking with Files in CCore TechAdvanced
1h 3m 45s
Oct 14, 2020
Core Tech.NET Regular ExpressionsCore TechBeginner
1h 15m 20s
Feb 13, 2020
No labs authored.