Jim Christopher
Pluralsight Author
Jim Christopher has over 17 years of professional experience developing software in the aerospace, education, and gaming industries. Since 2010 he has run Code Owls LLC, a company in Charlotte NC focused on IT tooling and automation technologies and publishers of SeeShell, a PowerShell module for data visualization. Jim is also responsible for the open-source project StudioShell, bringing the joy of PowerShell to the Visual Studio automation environment. In addition, he has published many open source projects making various technologies available to PowerShell – including SQLite, OData, Redis, MongoDB, and RabbitMQ . Jim is a two-time PowerShell MVP and avid speaker.
Topics Authored
Software Development
IT Ops
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Courses by Jim
No labs authored.
Core TechPlay by Play: Visual Studio 2017 and C# 7RETIREDCore TechIntermediate
2h 34m 26s
Feb 16, 2024
Core TechApplication Instrumentation Using Performance CountersRETIREDCore TechIntermediate
4h 24m 40s
Jul 31, 2021
Core TechApplication Instrumentation using log4netRETIREDCore TechIntermediate
4h 35m 9s
Jul 31, 2021
Core TechPowerShell GotchasRETIREDCore TechIntermediate
1h 40m 6s
Mar 30, 2021