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F# 6 Fundamentals

This course will teach you the fundamentals of programming with F#, the .NET platform’s functional programming language which allows you to focus on your problem domain rather than the details of programming.

Michael Heydt - Pluralsight course - F# 6 Fundamentals
by Michael Heydt

What you'll learn

You'll learn the basics of the F# language as well as get an introduction to important concepts of functional programming. In this course, F# 6 Fundamentals, you’ll learn the fundamentals of F# application development. First, you’ll explore how to represent data in F# and create functions to work with that data, including function pipelines, composite functions, and injecting function dependencies. Next, you’ll discover how to work with collections of data in a functional manner instead of using complex and troublesome imperative code. Finally, you’ll learn how to functionally model relationships in data using discriminated unions and options. When you’re finished with this course, you’ll have the skills and knowledge of F# 6 needed to build real F# based applications.

Table of contents

About the author

Michael Heydt - Pluralsight course - F# 6 Fundamentals
Michael Heydt

Mike is a seasoned software developer, IT guy, cloud architect, IoT fanatic, and overall gadget hound. He is currently a freelance developer, DevOps engineer, author, trainer, and speaker.

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