Justin Boyer
Justin Boyer writes copy and content for tech companies. He started his IT career as a software developer, then moved into application security, becoming Security+ and CSSLP certified. After almost a decade in the tech industry building desktop, mobile, web, and cloud-based applications, Justin has launched a tech writing business to help software and security companies sell their products and services.
Courses Authored
Topics Authored
Software Development
Security Professional
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Courses by Justin
CourseKey Concepts Data FlowBeginner36mMar 08, 2023
CourseGetting Started with Linkerd Service MeshBeginner1h 47mMar 11, 2022
CourseKubernetes Security: Minimizing Microservice VulnerabilitiesIntermediate1h 37mOct 29, 2021
CourseUnderstanding OAuth with Node.jsIntermediate1h 10mDec 11, 2019
CoursePractical Cryptography in Node.jsIntermediate1h 23mFeb 05, 2019
CoursePerforming Threat Modeling with the Microsoft Threat Modeling MethodologyIntermediate1h 46mOct 02, 2018